Urschel Laboratories
Urschel Laboratories

Urschel Laboratories


Comitrol® Processor Model 5600, full power plus positive power assistance


Urschel's Comitrol® Model 5600 processor maximizes capacity. Performance is fully optimized by a powerful 100 HP (75 kW) motor and 5 HP (3.7 kW) screw feeder, equipped with a geared motor and VFD (variable frequency drive). The 5600 model benefits from the exclusive Comitrol size reduction principle, at an increased impeller speed of 5600 revolutions per minute. It is constructed of stainless steel to ensure maximum durability and hygiene. The machine provides continuous operation for uninterrupted production and is designed for easy cleaning and maintenance.

Common applications include processing vegetables, curries, ginger, coconut, beef/poultry/seafood and by-products, and vegetable protein. Product infeed depends on the style of reduction head, the impeller chosen and the spacing within the head. In general, the maximum inlet size in any dimension should not exceed 2-1/2” (63.5 mm).


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