
Varied responses to preservative treatments by cut foliage

Florist greens enhance the beauty of flower arrangements and should have decorative appeal and vase life that match that of the cut flowers. Flower preservatives are commonly used to extend the vase life of cut flowers but their effects on cut foliage are less known. This study compared the efficacy of two commercial preservatives, Eurofleur and Cocogro, in prolonging the vase life of cut foliage of Microsorium punctatum ?Gradiceps?, Davalia sp. and Dracaena sanderiana. Two concentrations of Eurofleur (5 and 10 mg.L-1) and Cocogro (10 and

21 May, 2020
Postharvest, poscosecha, postcosecha, cut foliage, Microsorium punctatum?Gradiceps?, Davalia sp., Dracaena sanderiana, chemical preservatives, vaselife. Florist greens enhance the beauty of flower arrangements and should have decorative appeal and vase life that match that of the cut flowers. Flower preservatives are commonly used to extend the vase life of cut flowers but their effects on cut foliage are less known. This study compared the efficacy of two commercial preservatives, Eurofleur and Cocogro, in prolonging the vase life of cut foliage of Microsorium punctatum ?Gradiceps?, Davalia sp. and Dracaena sanderiana. Two concentrations of Eurofleur (5 and 10 mg.L-1) and Cocogro (10 and 15 mg.P-1) were tested as holding solutions and compared to tap water as control during ambient storage (23-33?C, 65-88% RH). Responses to preservative treatments varied with cut foliage. In M. punctatum ?Gradiceps?, the two preservatives had no effect on senescent changes. Eurofleur even promoted senescence, resulting in a shorter vaselife (4.2-4.9 weeks) than that of the control and Cocogro treatments (6.2-8.9 weeks). In Davalia sp., 5 g.L-1 Eurofleur inhibited senescence and improved the vaselife by about 5 d more than that of the control and Cocogro treatments (13.3-14.0 d). In D. sanderiana, the two preservatives had no remarkable effect as the cut foliage from all treatments remained visually desirable at the end of the 32-d holding period. Sources:Mabini, N.Q. and Acedo, V.Z. 2013. VASE LIFE OF SELECTED FLORIST GREENS IN DIFFERENT HOLDING SOLUTIONS WITH COMMERCIAL PRESERVATIVES. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 989:79-82Southeast Asia Symposium on Quality Management in Postharvest Systems and Asia Pacific Symposium on Postharvest Quality Management of Root and Tuber Crops The picture of the Dracaena is by Editors notes:The authors work at the Department of Horticulture, College of Agriculture and Food Science Visayas State University Baybay, Leyte Philippines.Source of the products according the indications in the paper (no indication about the composition, nor web site available):Eurofleur, Floral products Inc.Cocogro, Institute of Plant Breeding, University of the Philippine s Los Banos, Laguna If somebody knows it, thanks for informing us to improve this information, by sending an email to ? ? ?
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