
Where can one learn about floral crop care, handling, and marketing?

Announcing PRO Institute ?Customized?, an intensive floral crops care, handling, and marketing program that emphasizes practical and scientifically based procedures to improve the postharvest performance and consumer satisfaction of cut flowers, potted and bedding plants. Scheduled for August 12-14, 2012, it is designed to share the floral expertise of mass

27 January, 2020
Postharvest, ornamentals, ethylene, poscosecha, etileno, ornamentalesAnnouncing PRO Institute ?Customized?, an intensive floral crops care, handling, and marketing program that emphasizes practical and scientifically based procedures to improve the postharvest performance and consumer satisfaction of cut flowers, potted and bedding plants.? Scheduled for August 12-14, 2012, it is designed to share the floral expertise of mass marketers, florists, growers (bedding, potted, and cuts), importers, bouquet suppliers, breeders, associations, transportation firms, cooler companies, educators, wholesalers, and/or dry good suppliers with the research findings and industry experience of Chain of Life Network Founder Dr. George Staby.? While the 13 PRO Institutes held to date averaged 25 attendees each, a new format is now being offered with fewer attendees per Institute.? Fewer attendees will allow more customization of the subjects presented based on the needs of the attendees. Below, a sample of the topics that will be addressed; for more information, go to and log in, the Latest News addressing this subject will appear at the top of the page. ? Example topics:? Shrinkage rates, consumer expectations (color, longevity, design, guarantees, etc.); objective flower quality measurements, objective postharvest treatments ? Production factors that influence postharvest flower/plant quality including species/cultivar/variety (breeder responsibilities, ethylene sensitivity, rose example); harvest stage; nutrients (especially nitrogen, silicon, and calcium); light (intensity, duration, and quality); water (quality, amounts, frequency); pest control (insects and diseases), pot/container size and shape, growing media (water and air capacities) ? Cold chain management including the importance of temperature, precooling, transportation modes; temperature measurement devices / calibration / how to use (flowers, plants, and coolers), chilling disorders, hydration solution temperature ? Transportation modes pros and cons including air (freighters, belly loaded, overnight), truck, and/or sea containers and how they influence crop quality and costs ? Packaging including carts, sleeves (paper, plastic, fiber), venting, tie location, boxes, modified atmosphere, ice (gelled or otherwise), insulation, color ? Ethylene physiology and control factors, effects / control; sources, amounts, measuring ethylene, and tests / demonstrations with Florel (liquid ethylene) on MCP and STS effectiveness as well as determining plant / flower sensitivity to ethylene. ...
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