
Why flower food solutions become cloudy?

If cut flower food solutions become cloudy in a day or two, they were likely made incorrectly. To help avoid this problem, make sure they are mixed according to label directions. In addition, one could also add about ? teaspoon of common household bleach (sodium

14 February, 2020
Poscosecha, postcosecha, postharvest, ornamentales, ornamentals, flores, flowers, buckets, vase, floreros If cut flower food solutions become cloudy in a day or two, they were likely made incorrectly. To help avoid this problem, make sure they are mixed according to label directions. In addition, one could also add about ? teaspoon of common household bleach (sodium hypochlorite type) per quart to help maintain solution clarity. However, if flower food or hydration solutions start to become cloudy in a matter of minutes to a few hours after mixing with water, especially towards the bottom of the container, they likely contain aluminum sulfate. This chemical can form precipitates (cloudiness) that can actually improve flower life! The source of this information is Chain of Life Network, as part of the many interesting and practice tips contained in the entry ?What are some cost effective and easily implemented treatments that can improve the postharvest performance of cut flowers, potted plants, and/or bedding plants??, by George Staby, The picture belongs to ?
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