1st All Africa Synthetic Pesticides Congress - First Call for Abstracts

The 1st All Africa Congress on Synthetic Pesticides, Environment, Human and Animal Health considers for the first time the total impact of synthetic pesticides on African populations, their animals, their living environment, as well as, government/household economies. The most effective technologies and strategies to mitigate the negative impact of synthetic pesticide contaminations will be explored and recommendations made for the benefit of agriculture, health and the environment sectors in Africa. The congress theme is ?Reducing synthetic pesticide contamination in the African continent: substantial and sustainable solutions for the African people and their environment?. The theme is divided into the following sub-themes: 1. Impact of synthetic pesticides on human health in the African continent 2. Impact of synthetic pesticides on animal health in the African continent 3. Impact of synthetic pesticides in the African environment and effect on non-target organisms (e.g. malaria vectors and other disease transmitting mosquitoes) 4. Biologically-based alternatives to synthetic pesticides 5. Integrated pest management strategies for reducing synthetic pesticides use 6. Emerging innovative technologies for pests control 7. Information and communication technologies for reducing synthetic pesticide use 8. Effective strategies, partnerships, policy interventions for developing a comprehensive action plan

20 August, 2018
The 1st All Africa Congress on Synthetic Pesticides, Environment, Human and Animal Health considers for the first time the total impact of synthetic pesticides on African populations, their animals, their living environment, as well as, government/household economies. The most effective technologies and strategies to mitigate the negative impact of synthetic pesticide contaminations will be explored and recommendations made for the benefit of agriculture, health and the environment sectors in Africa. The congress theme is “Reducing synthetic pesticide contamination in the African continent: substantial and sustainable solutions for the African people and their environment”. The theme is divided into the following sub-themes:1. Impact of synthetic pesticides on human health in the African continent2. Impact of synthetic pesticides on animal health in the African continent3. Impact of synthetic pesticides in the African environment and effect on non-target organisms (e.g. malaria vectors and other disease transmitting mosquitoes)4. Biologically-based alternatives to synthetic pesticides5. Integrated pest management strategies for reducing synthetic pesticides use6. Emerging innovative technologies for pests control7. Information and communication technologies for reducing synthetic pesticide use8. Effective strategies, partnerships, policy interventions for developing a comprehensive action plan
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea