Call for Abstracts and Papers for the 1st All Africa Post Harvest Congress & Exhibition

28th to 31th March 2017, Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya, are the data and place for the 1st All Africa Post Harvest Congress & Exhibition. The theme, "Reducing food losses and waste: Sustainable solutions for Africa" is premised on the understanding that there are proven and emerging technologies and practices that have potential

27 October, 2016
28th to 31th March 2017, Safari Park Hotel, Nairobi, Kenya, are the data and place for the 1st All Africa Post Harvest Congress & Exhibition. The theme, "Reducing food losses and waste: Sustainable solutions for Africa" is premised on the understanding that there are proven and emerging technologies and practices that have potential to reduce food losses and waste in the African context. The theme has been unpacked into five sub-themes anchored on the key sub-sectors in agriculture. For each sub-theme various topics including postharvest loss assessment methods and data, technologies, practices, strategies, investment, policies, cases studies, success stories will be discussed and show-cased. More information, the pdf below and:Charles L. Wilson, Ph.D.Founder/Chairman & CEOWorld Food Preservation Center® LLCLeading the “Food Preservation Revolution” ™264 South Hills DriveShepherdstown, WV 25443(304) 279-4029
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea