Don´t miss the opportunity to present your technology during the 1st International Conference on Agroecology Transforming Agriculture & Food Systems in Africa

The 1st International Conference on Agroecology Transforming Agriculture & Food Systems in Africa deals on reducing synthetic pesticides and fertilizers by scaling up agroecology and promoting ecological organic trade, from 18th June till 21th June a the Safari Park Hotel & Casino Nairobi, Kenya. Leading world scientists address pressing issues with synthetics(pesticides, fertilizers, and drug) in Africa at this conference. A UN report presented to the UN Human Rights Council states that, ?although pesticide use has been correlated with a rise in food production, it has had "catastrophic impacts" on human health and the environment. The report continues, "Equally, increased food production has not succeeded in eliminating hunger worldwide. Reliance

27 March, 2019
The 1st International Conference on Agroecology Transforming Agriculture & Food Systems in Africa deals on reducing synthetic pesticides and fertilizers by scaling up agroecology and promoting ecological organic trade, from 18th June till 21th June a the Safari Park Hotel & Casino Nairobi, Kenya. Leading world scientists address pressing issues with synthetics(pesticides, fertilizers, and drug) in Africa at this conference. A UN report presented to the UN Human Rights Council states that, “although pesticide use has been correlated with a rise in food production, it has had "catastrophic impacts" on human health and the environment. The report continues, "Equally, increased food production has not succeeded in eliminating hunger worldwide. Reliance on hazardous pesticides is a short-term solution that undermines the rights to adequate food and health for present and future generations." The UN report lists an array of serious illnesses and health issues with suspected links to pesticides, including cancer, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, hormone disruption, birth defects, sterility, and neurological effects. Keynote speakers at this conference have been at the forefront of research to answer pressing questions on synthetic pesticide safety such as: - ?Do herbicides such as glyphosate and GMOs cause cancer and other diseases?- Can insecticides cause neurological diseases in humans?- Are there synthetic-pesticide-free forms of agriculture to feed the world's exploding population?To know about the speakers and to register, click HERE.  Innovative technologies The organizers invite to send information about your technology if you have innovative biologically-based pest control technology or methodology that can be used to control insects, plant diseases, weeds or nematodes. This is an opportunity to present your technology to potential funders. April 18, 2019 is the deadline for submissions of technology. Instructions for submitting technology, HERE.  
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea