First Newsletter of the World Food Preservation Center, LLC

Last 18th March is the data of the first newsletter issued by the World Food Preservation Center, LLC. Ten major universities and a research institute on six continents dedicated to reducing postharvest losses of food and combating world hunger in developing countries. Charles L. Wilson, Founder / Chairman & CEO of the Center explains about the efforts of WFPC, that includes the The World Food Preservation Education Foundation, a tax-exempt public charity,

30 November, -0001
Last 18th March is the data of the first newsletter issued by the World Food Preservation Center, LLC. Ten major universities and a research institute on six continents dedicated to reducing postharvest losses of food and combating world hunger in developing countries. Charles L. Wilson, Founder / Chairman & CEO of the Center explains about the efforts of WFPC, that includes the The World Food Preservation Education Foundation, a tax-exempt public charity, seeks to provide scholarship and research funds for these students as they pursue M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. The News included in this first Newsletter are about:- The Postharvest Education Foundation receives U.S. IRS Tax-exempt status- ARO Volcani Center in Israel joins as a "Sister Institute"- ARO Volcani Center hosts the international conference on posthrvest, April 28-30, during Agritech, including a conference by of Charles L. Wilson explaining the WFPC, LLC- WFPC, LLC signs memorandum of understanging with Benue State University in Nigeria- A global forum in Abu Dhabi features day of programming on postharvest losses- The results of a study regarding the return on investment (ROI) from poshtarvest infrastructure and technologies. The study, by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), shows "the tremendous return on investment realized from investment in postharvest infrastructure technologies. IFPRI found a $13 to $14 ROI for every dollar spent. Here is a summary of costs and benefits from the paper, which are very promising". The study, by Rosegrant et al., think tank Copenhagen Consensus Center, is availabe below.  
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea