Dr. Gustav Mahunu from Ghana is the first Ph.D. graduate from the World Food Preservation Center® LLC. Jiangsu University, a ?Sister? University of the World Food Preservation Center® LLC, has conferred a Ph.D. degree on Dr. Mahunu in its June graduation exercises. Professor Hongyin Zhang at Jiangsu University directed the graduate program of Dr. Mahunu whose dissertation research was on the biological control of an aflatoxin, patulin. Aflatoxins are important in producing stunting in

26 July, 2016
Dr. Gustav Mahunu from Ghana is the first Ph.D. graduate from the World Food Preservation Center® LLC. Jiangsu University, a “Sister” University of the World Food Preservation Center® LLC, has conferred  a Ph.D. degree on Dr. Mahunu in its June graduation exercises.Professor Hongyin Zhang at Jiangsu University directed the graduate program of Dr. Mahunu whose dissertation research was on the biological control of an aflatoxin, patulin. Aflatoxins are important in producing stunting in children and causing cancers in developing countries.The mission of the World Food Preservation Center® LLC is to provide a postharvest graduate (M.S. and Ph.D.) education to young student/scientists in developing countries in the latest technologies for the postharvest preservation of food in their countries. Students in this program also conduct much needed research on new postharvest technologies for the preservation of food for their dissertation.President Yuan Shouqi of Jiangsu University has been providing a full presidential scholarship to students in the World Food Preservation Center® LLC program each year. Dr. Mahunu is the first Ph.D. graduate receiving this support.Upon returning to Ghana Dr. Mahunu will be equipped to establish an independent postharvest research, education, and extension program in his country. The World Food Preservation Center® LLC sees this as a long term and more sustainable way to reduce postharvest food losses in developing countries than programs that are dependent on a continual input of experts from the developed world. Postharvest programs established by Dr. Mahunu in Ghana will continue generationally through students and farmers that he educates.The World Food Preservation Center® LLC has established the non-profit 501 (c ) (3) World Food Preservation Education Foundation that is soliciting funds to support students from developing countries like Dr. Mahunu to attend its “Sister” Universities and obtain postharvest graduate (M.S. and Ph.D.) degrees. Your donation to this cause would be appreciated.   PhotoProfessor Hongyin Zhang of the Food and Biological Engineering Department, Jiangsu University  (left) standing on the campus of Jiangsu University, China with Dr. Gustav Mahunu who he advised for his Ph.D. degree.More informationCharles L. Wilson, Ph.D. Founder/Chairman & CEO World Food Preservation Center® LLC 279-4029
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