For fresh cut artichokes, atmospheres up to 15% CO2 may result beneficial, but not higher

The effect of high CO2-atmospheres on quality of fresh-cut artichokes is described in this work. Freshly harvested artichoke heads (Cynara scolymus L. var. Catanese) were trimmed and cut into quarts. Samples were stored at 5?C in air (control) and in air enriched with 5, 15, or 25% CO2. Initially, and after 2, 4 and 8 days of storage, colour,

30 April, 2020
Postharvest, poscosecha, postcosecha, artichoke, alcachofa, IV gama, fresh-cut, fresh cut, minimally processed The effect of high CO2-atmospheres on quality of fresh-cut or minimally processed artichokes is described in this work. Freshly harvested artichoke heads (Cynara scolymus L. var. Catanese) were trimmed and cut into quarts. Samples were stored at 5?C in air (control) and in air enriched with 5, 15, or 25% CO2. Initially, and after 2, 4 and 8 days of storage, colour, overall appearance, weight loss, ammonia accumulation, and polyphenol oxidase activity (PPO) were monitored. Samples stored in 25% CO2 showed a greater tendency to browning on the outer surfaces of the bracts (higher a* value and lower b* value, chroma, and hue angle), than samples stored in air, and in air plus 5 and plus 15% CO2. Internal surfaces showed statistical differences only with respect to the luminosity (L* value), which resulted higher for sample stored in 5% CO2 and lower for those stored in 25% CO2. The weight loss in samples held in 5 and 15% CO2 was significantly lower than in other storage conditions. Appearance score resulted not significantly different among all treatments, with samples scored above the limit marketability up to 4 days of storage. Ammonia accumulation, measured as an indicator of stress, was highest for samples stored in 25% CO2. PPO activity was similar for all the treatments. Results indicated that atmospheres up to 15% CO2 may result beneficial although higher concentrations should be avoided within modified atmosphere packages in order to maintain acceptable quality of fresh-cut artichokes. ? Original title, full list of authors, and sources:Influence of CO2 Level on Quality Attributes of Fresh-Cut ArtichokesLa Zazzera, M.; Rinaldi, R.; Amodio, M. L.; Ricci, I.; Colelli, G.Universit? degli Studi di Foggia, Via Napoli 25, 71122, Foggia, ItalyInternational Horticulture Congress, Lisboa 2010, ISHS The picture is by
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