Ghent University in Belgium joins World Food Preservation Center® LLC

The World Food Preservation Center® LLC (WFPC) is pleased to announce that it has signed a MoU with Ghent University in Belgium making it a ?Sister? University of the WFPC. The World Food Preservation Center® LLC is now comprised of twenty-four major agricultural research universities and two major agricultural research institutes on six continents.

27 March, 2017
The World Food Preservation Center® LLC (WFPC) is pleased to announce that it has signed a MoU with Ghent University in Belgium making it a “Sister” University of the WFPC. The World Food Preservation Center® LLC is now comprised of twenty-four major agricultural research universities and two major agricultural research institutes on six continents. Professor Sarah De Saeger, head of the Laboratory of Food Analysis in the Department of Bioanalysis at Ghent University says, “Ghent University is pleased to join the World Food Preservation Center® LLC. We are in accord with its mission of promoting graduate education (M.S. and Ph.D.) for young student/scientist from developing countries in the latest technologies for the postharvest preservation of food and having them conduct research on much needed new technologies.” Dr. Charles L. Wilson, Founder of the World Food Preservation Center® LLC states, “We are indeed fortunate to have Ghent University join us with its strong research and education programs in the identification and control of mycotoxins. Fungi that produce mycotoxins grow on stored grains and ground nuts and present a major health problem to humans and animals in developing countries. Mycotoxins cause cancers in humans and animals and contribute to childhood stunting. The World Food Preservation Center® LLC ‘s (WFPC) mission is to enhance the “postharvest intellectual capital” of developing countries. It accomplishes this by: (1) promoting the graduate education (M.S. and Ph.D.) of young student/scientists in developing countries and having them conduct research on much needed new postharvest technologies; (2) in conjunction with CRC Press (Taylor & Francis) the WFPC publishes the World Food Preservation Center® Book Series that is comprised of text/reference books on postharvest technologies and methodologies for developing countries; and (3) in conjunction with its “Sister” Universities the WFPC organizes continent-wide postharvest congresses.
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea