Help Needed in Establishing Scholarship Fund for the WORLD FOOD PRESERVATION CENTERTMLLC

The World Food Preservation CenterTMLLC has presently involved nine major research universities on six continents to form ?Sister? Universities of the World Food Preservation CenterTMLLC. Universities from Italy, India, Canada, Kenya, and South Africa are expected to join the World Food Preservation CenterTMLLC in the next few months The mission of the World Food Preservation CenterTMLLC is to provide young students/scientists in developing

30 November, -0001
The World Food Preservation CenterTMLLC has presently involved nine major research universities on six continents to form “Sister” Universities of the World Food Preservation CenterTMLLC. Universities from Italy, India, Canada, Kenya, and South Africa are expected to join the World Food Preservation CenterTMLLC in the next few months The mission of the World Food Preservation CenterTMLLC is to provide young students/scientists in developing countries a world-class education in the latest technologies for the postharvest preservation of food and have them conduct research on much needed new technologies for the postharvest preservation of food in their native countries. Because we have invested so little of our agricultural resources in food preservation (5%) versus food production (95%), there is a very large postharvest “skill-gap” and “technology gap” in our higher education systems worldwide. Therefore, we find ourselves with a severe shortage of educated personnel and effective technologies to reduce postharvest losses of food. This is most critically realized in the developing world that lives on the margins of food security. Although there are a number of very effective initiatives to reduce postharvest losses in developing countries most of these are dependent on the continual input of experts from the developed world with uncertain budgets in order to be sustainable. Also, those that are trying to reduce postharvest losses in developing countries find themselves with a limited number of technologies that are appropriate and effective. The World Food Preservation CenterTM LLC in cooperation with the “Sister” Universities of the World Food Preservation CenterTMLLChas set out to address the shortcomings in our present approaches to reduce the postharvest losses of food in developing countries. The “Sister” Universities of the World Food Preservation Center™LLCeducates individuals from developing countries in the latest technologies and methodologies for the postharvest preservation of food and creates much needed new technologies for the postharvest preservation of food in developing countries. When the idea of establishing a World Food Preservation Center was proposed in a LinkedIn discussion, the response was overwhelming. Young students/scientists from over 40 developing countries (mostly from Africa) in as much said “Sign me up!” . A population of resident students in developing countries was discovered that is familiar with the importance of postharvest losses in their countries and highly motivated to solve this complex problem. The World Food Preservation CenterTMLLC’s consortium of “Sister” Universities will place in the hands of these highly-motivated individuals the skills needed to solve their own country’s postharvest problems. After receiving an advanced degree at one of the “Sister” Universities of the World Food Preservation CenterTMLLCthese newly educated scientists will return to their native countries to establish independent education, research, and extension programs that will be institutionalized and go on generationally. These highly-educated individuals will also be capable of filling other “skill-gaps” in agricultural businesses and governments in Africa. Africa has a rapidly growing middle class. With this comes a more sophisticated consumer demanding a greater variety of food that is safe to eat. Also, the new African consumer is demanding more fresh food as contrasted to processed food. Fresh food is more prone to microbial contamination than processed foods and often has a short shelf life. This is going to require new technologies for the postharvest preservation of food and more knowledgeable personnel in the food supply industry. Each of the “Sister” Universities of the World Food Preservation CenterTMLLCwill meet this challenge. African food producers are starting to export more of their own food. Often this is not possible because the African exporter does not meet the requirements of the importing country as to protocols and food safety. The “Sister” Universities of the World Food Preservation CenterTMLLC will educate individuals in international regulations for food transport that can advise food producers and exporters in Africa. The “Sister” Universities of the World Food Preservation CenterTMLLCin developing new technologies for the postharvest preservation of food will be creating opportunities for entrepreneurs in Africa to form new businesses and sell these technologies. Also, It will serve as a hub for the exchange of the latest information on the postharvest preservation of food. The ultimate beneficiaries of the new postharvest technologies and highly skilled personnel graduated by the “Sister” Universities of the World Food Preservation CenterTMLLCwill be the smallholder farmers of Africa. Through extension programs developed by graduates from the “Sister” Universities of the World Food Preservation CenterTMLLCsmallholder farmers will be presented the latest appropriate technologies for the postharvest preservation of their crops. This will be accomplished by e-learning materials, workshops for farmers, and pilot test demonstrations. Through these extension programs smallholder farmers in Africa will be able to reduce their postharvest losses and increase their profitability. A “Postharvest Scholarship Fund” is being established by the World Food Preservation CenterTMLLC to support young students/scientists from Africa to receive advanced degree(s) (M.S. and Ph.D.) in the postharvest preservation of food at “Sister” Universities of the World Food Preservation CenterTMLLC. These students will also conduct research on new technologies appropriate for the postharvest preservation of food in their native countries.The World Food Preservation CenterTMLLC would greatly appreciate your help in providing scholarships for young scientists/students from Africa to attend “Sister” Universities of the World Food Preservation CenterTMLLC and receive M.S. and/or Ph.D. degrees in the postharvest preservation of food. More information in the complete Press Release, below.The picture belongs to aspiring scientists.  
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea