Looking for off-grid solar cold chain technology

Largely because of a poor cold chain, postharvest losses in Developing Countries often exceed 50% of the harvested crop ¿What´s at the root of this problem? 1.2 billion people have no access to energy from a power grid in Developing Countries No or poor power grids in Africa result in no or poor cold chains. This results in devastating postharvest food losses. What´s the solution?

19 May, 2021
Largely because of a poor cold chain, postharvest losses in Developing Countries often exceed 50% of the harvested crop ¿What´s at the root of this problem?1.2 billion people have no access to energy from a power grid in Developing Countries No or poor power grids in Africa result in no or poor cold chains. This results in devastating postharvest food losses. What´s the solution?To attack this problem the World Food Preservation Center®LLC in association with MN Capital Africa Advisors is assisting profitable companies in Africa find financing for off-grid solar cold chain technology. We support the installation of Solar-Powered Cold Chain Technology that can be used for the processing, transport, and storage of harvested food. Our mission is to build strong cold chains in Africa. InvitationProf. Charles Wilson invites: "If you have profitable off-grid solar cold chain technology for the postharvest processing, transport, or storage of food, let us know", charliewilson@citlink.netMore information
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea