Reward for winning entries

The 1st All Africa Postharvest Congress and Exhibition will be held on 31st March 2017. A reward for winning entries will take place during the day where the Top Ten innovators will pitch for their innovations in a plenary session of all stakeholders. The Top Ten innovators will receive a cash award, amounting to 35,000 US dollars.

26 January, 2017
The 1st All Africa Postharvest Congress and Exhibition will be held on 31st March 2017. A reward for winning entries will take place during the day where the Top Ten innovators will pitch for their innovations in a plenary session of all stakeholders. The Top Ten innovators will receive a cash award, amounting to 35,000 US dollars. There is also an award for the postharvest technologies and innovations; they will be profiled in a special booklet edition and online platforms. The entries should be submitted by email to the following directions: and For more information about the 1st All Africa Postharvest Congress and Exhibition visit the website: Africa-Postharvest Conference
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