Save safe food and the planet

This year has marked an important expansion of the mission of the World Food Preservation Center LLC (WFPC). We have come to realize that it is not only important that we SAVE more of the food that we already produce, but that we SAVE SAFE FOOD. Noncommunicable diseases such as autism and Alzheimer's are considered by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the second most important threat to human health with air pollution and climate change being #1. Strikingly, food contamination by synthetic pesticides is a major contributor to Noncommunicable Diseases in humans

23 December, 2019
This year has marked an important expansion of the mission of the World Food Preservation Center LLC (WFPC). We have come to realize that it is not only important that we SAVE more of the food that we already produce, but that we SAVE SAFE FOOD. Noncommunicable diseases such as autism and Alzheimer's are considered by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the second most important threat to human health with air pollution and climate change being #1.Strikingly, food contamination by synthetic pesticides is a major contributor to Noncommunicable Diseases in humans and other animals.To gain an added appreciation of the gravity of this issue, I urge you to take the time and listen to the excellent video presentation by Dr. Zach Bush below.To address this important issue the World Food Preservation Center LLC conducted along with Biovision Africa Trust and IFOAM the "1st International Conference on Agroecology Transforming Agriculture & Food Systems in Africa" June 18-21, 2019.In addition, the WFPC has organized along with its African partners the "1st Global Congress on Safe Food and Noncommunicable Diseases" that will be held in Nairobi, Kenya, August 26-28, 2020 (see flyer below). The World Food Preservation Center LLC has come to realize that the opportunity exists to attack simultaneously the #1 and #2 greatest threats to human health listed by the World Health Organization (WHO): (#1) Air Pollution and Global Warming AND (#2) Noncommunicable Diseases.If we are going to SAVE SAFE FOOD we MUST get the synthetic pesticides out of our food supply. Unfortunately, the "Second Green Revolution" being launched by industrial agriculture depends on increased inputs of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. It is imperative that we change course and adopt a different agricultural paradigm to produce our food that doesn't require synthetic chemicals.Fortunately, the REGENERATIVE AGRICULTURE PARADIGM provides us the opportunity to produce sufficient food without the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers AND AT THE SAME TIME remove significant amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere.If Best Regenerative Agriculture Practices are adopted globally, sufficient CO2 in the atmosphere can be sequestered in soil carbon to have a major impact on the climate emergency that is facing us.In order to accelerate the implementation of the Best Regenerative Agriculture Practices globally the World Food Preservation Center LLC has been joined by REGENERATION INTERNATIONAL and the RODALE INSTITUTE to organize the "1st Global Congress on Best Regenerative Agriculture Practices to Reverse the Climate Emergency" that will be held in the heart of Washington D.C. on June 1-3, 2021.The World Food Preservation Center LLC welcomes your support in its initiatives to attack the two greatest threats to human health. Charles L. Wilson, Ph.D. is founder of the World Food Preservation Center LL
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea