Sholarships and grants from World Food Preservation Center sister universities

One-third of the food produced worldwide is lost between the time that it is harvested and consumed (FAO, 2011). Consequently, it is imperative that we save substantially more of the food that we are producing if we are to avoid greatly accelerated world hunger in the future. The World Food Preservation Center® LLC is comprised of twenty-seven major research universities and three major research institutes on six continents. The mission of the World Food Preservation Center® LLC is to fill the postharvest skill gaps and technology gaps occurring in gaps? that occur occur in developing countries. It is very important as well to reduce food losses in order to reduce waste of natural and human resources (such as land, water, labor, fertilizer, fuel, etc.) that are wasted if foods are lost before they can be eaten. The World Food Preservation Center® LLC works on promoting food preservation methods and practices that protect

02 October, 2017
One-third of the food produced worldwide is lost between the time that it is harvested and consumed (FAO, 2011). Consequently, it is imperative that we save substantially more of the food that we are producing if we are to avoid greatly accelerated world hunger in the future. The World Food Preservation Center® LLC is comprised of twenty-seven major research universities and three major research institutes on six continents. The mission of the World Food Preservation Center® LLC is to fill the postharvest skill gaps and technology gaps occurring in gaps” that occur occur in developing countries. It is very important as well to reduce food losses in order to reduce waste of natural and human resources (such as land, water, labor, fertilizer, fuel, etc.) that are wasted if foods are lost before they can be eaten. The World Food Preservation Center® LLC works on promoting food preservation methods and practices that protect food quality, nutrition, and safety, so people can be both healthy and productive. The World Food Preservation Center®LLC is accomplishing its mission by: (1) promoting the advanced postharvest education (M.S. and Ph.D.) in young student/scientists from developing countries in the latest technologies for the postharvest preservation of food; (2) development of postharvest curricula and texts for students at the secondary educational level in developing countries; (3) organization of continent-wide postharvest congresses;(4) publication of advanced postharvest reference books targeted toward the needs of developing countries; and (5) organization of a “Global Mycotoxin Alliance” to focus the world’s resources on reducing mycotoxins in the food of developing countries. This text is the first part of WFPC Newsletter, which includes information about sholarships and grants in sister universities. WFPC Sponsorship options for companies and individuals are available below.More information:Charles L. Wilson, Ph.D.Founder World Food Preservation Center® 
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