The 1st All Africa Congress "Synthetic Pesticides, Environment, Human and Health" invites sponsors and speakers

In conjunction with the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA) in Ibadan, Nigera the World Food Preservation Center® LLC has organized the "1st All Africa Congress on Synthetic Pesticides, Environment, Human and Animal Health" that will be held at the IITA in Ibadan, Nigeria, October 9-11, 2018. The motto is ??Feed the hungry ? Not poison them?. Objectives of the Congress The congress will provide a platform for researchers, academics, farmers, industry, development agencies, civil society and policy makers to learn, share information, build networks and partnerships with the overall objective of identifying

01 March, 2018
In conjunction with the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA) in Ibadan, Nigera the World Food Preservation Center® LLC has organized the "1st All Africa Congress on Synthetic Pesticides, Environment, Human and Animal Health" that will be held at the IITA in Ibadan, Nigeria, October 9-11, 2018. The motto is ““Feed the hungry – Not poison them”. Objectives of the Congress The congress will provide a platform for researchers, academics, farmers, industry, development agencies, civil society and policy makers to learn, share information, build networks and partnerships with the overall objective of identifying effective interventions to substantially reduce synthetic pesticide contamination in the African continent. Specific objectives of the congress include: 1. To raise awareness of synthetic pesticide contamination in the African continent through data and information sharing. 2. To document the impact of synthetic pesticides on human/animal health and the environment in the African continent. 3. To identify and disseminate effective and appropriate technologies and practices to reduce synthetic pesticide contamination in the African continent 4. To identify synthetic pesticide “skill gaps” and “technology gaps” in Africa’s higher education and extension systems 5. To identify effective multi-stakeholder strategies and policy interventions for the reduction of synthetic pesticide use in the African continent 6. To provide a platform for participants to build networks and partnerships for resource mobilization and other activities geared towards synthetic pesticide reduction 7.To generate a comprehensive action plan for the reduction of synthetic pesticides in the African Continent Congress theme and subthemes The congress theme is Reducing Synthetic Pesticide Contamination on the African Continent: Sustainable Solutions for the African People and their Environment The theme is unpacked into five sub-themes including:1. Impact of Synthetic Pesticides on Human Health in the African Continent 2. Impact of Synthetic Pesticides on Animal Health in the African Continent 3. Impact of Synthetic Pesticides in the African Environment 4. Biologically-based Alternatives to Synthetic Pesticides 5. Integrated Pest Management Strategies to Reduce Synthetic Pesticide Use. 6. Emerging Innovative Technologies for Pest Control 7. Information and Communication Technologies to Reduce Synthetic Pesticide Use.  More informationCharles L. Wilson, Ph.D., FounderWorld Food Preservation Center®
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