The World Food Preservation Center® LLC Invites Your Sponsorship

In many developing countries over 50% of the food that they produce is lost between the time it is harvested and consumed. This is enough food to feed over two billion hungry individuals. The World Food Preservation Center® LLC is attacking these food losses by enhancing the ?postharvest intellectual capital? of developing countries in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. This is seen as a more long-term and sustainable approach to reduce postharvest food losses and to diminish world hunger. We would appreciate your organization's support for the following initiatives in our battle to reduce world hunger. The World Food Preservation Center® LLC is presently comprised of twenty-seven major agricultural universities and three major research institutes on six continents. It is globally attacking postharvest food losses and world hunger

15 September, 2017
In many developing countries over 50% of the food that they produce is lost between the time it is harvested and consumed. This is enough food to feed over two billion hungry individuals. The World Food Preservation Center® LLC is attacking these food losses by enhancing the “postharvest intellectual capital” of developing countries in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. This is seen as a more long-term and sustainable approach to reduce postharvest food losses and to diminish world hunger. We would appreciate your organization's support for the following initiatives in our battle to reduce world hunger. The World Food Preservation Center® LLC is presently comprised of twenty-seven major agricultural universities and three major research institutes on six continents. It is globally attacking postharvest food losses and world hunger through multiple initiatives. Your sponsorship will help us in our efforts to solicit graduate (M.S. and Ph.D.) postharvest scholarships for young student/scientists in developing countries to attend world-class universities. Upon graduation these students return to their native counties and establish independent postharvest research, education, and extension programs that will continue generationally. We need your help with our mission to graduate an army of these young scientists like the first graduate of the World Food Preservation Center® LLC, Dr. Gustav Mahunu. He received his Ph.D. at one of our “Sister” Universities, Jiangsu University in China, and then returned to Ghana where he has established his own independent postharvest program at the University for Development Studies. The World Food Preservation Center® LLC is also developing curricula/texts for secondary/vocational schools in developing countries in Africa, Latin America, and Asia on postharvest food loss, safety, and nutrition. This initiative has been endorsed by the United Nations FAO. In conjunction with its "Sister" University, the University of Nairobi, the World Food Preservation Center® LLC organized the “1st All Africa Postharvest Congress and Exhibition” (below) that was held in Nairobi, Kenya March 28-31 2017 with over 600 in attendance from 40 countries; the “1st All Latin America/Caribbean Postharvest Congress and Exhibition" to be held inBento Gonçalves, Brazil in April, 2019 and "1st All Asian Postharvest Congress and Exhibitions” to be held in Lucknow, India in November, 2019. In conjunction with CRC Press (Taylor and Francis) the World Food Preservation Center® LLC is publishing the World Food Preservation Center Book Series that consist of advanced postharvest texts/reference books directed toward much needed postharvest technologies and methodologies useful to developing countries such as solar refrigeration, postharvest biological control, hermetic storage, and solar drying. The World Food Preservation Center® LLC in cooperation with BioIntelliPro and Ghent University is developing a “Global Mycotoxin Alliance” to bring all the world’s advanced resources together for the detection and control of aflatoxins and other mycotoxins that are very deleterious to human and animal health in developing countries. Sponsors of the World Food Preservation Center® receive the following benefits: (1) Your logo and a description of your organization (as below) will be placed on the World Food Preservation Center® LLC website. Silver Sponsorship -- $2,000 USD(1) A description of your company will be placed on the World Food Preservation Center® LLC website and you can display a logo indicating your sponsorship on your website. You will be placed on the World Food Preservation Center® LLC mailing list to obtain updates on postharvest activities globally. Gold Sponsorship -- $5,000 USD(1) A description of your company will be placed on the World Food Preservation Center® LLC website and you can display a gold sponsorsip logo indicating your sponsorship on your website. You will be placed on the World Food Preservation Center® LLC mailing list to obtain updates on postharvest activities globally. Platinum Sponsorship -- $50,000 + USD(1) A description of your company will be placed on the World Food Preservation Center® LLC website and you can display a platinum sponsorsip logo indicating your sponsorship on your website. You will be placed on the World Food Preservation Center® LLC mailing list to obtain updates on postharvest activities globally; and (2) the World Food Preservation Center® LLC will be open to your organization for possible cooperative research and educational initiatives of interest to your company. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or know someone that would be interested, please contact:Charles L. Wilson, Ph.D., FounderWorld Food Preservation Center®
Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea