Two New Postharvest Positions at Major Universities

A communication by Charles L. Wilson, Ph.D., Founder/President & CEO, World Food Preservation Education Foundation,, informs: "It is heartening to see major universities now creating faculty positions in postharvest. A faculty position is available at Cranfield University, United Kingdom,

30 November, -0001
A communication by Charles L. Wilson, Ph.D., Founder/President & CEO, World Food Preservation Education Foundation,, informs:"It is heartening to see major universities now creating faculty positions in postharvest.A faculty position is available at Cranfield University, United Kingdom, information HEREAnd, University of California, Riveside, information HERE If you know of any additional postharvest positions, please let us know and we would be happy to publicize them".The World Food Preservation Center, LLC is presently comprised of  a unique partnership of eleven major research universities on six continents and a premier agricultural research institute along with GrainPro, Inc, a major manufacturere of postharvest technologies. We are committed to provide young students from developing countries access to a world-class education in the postharvest preservation of food and the development of much needed new postharvest technologies. The World Food Preservation Education Foundation, a tax-exempt public charity,  seeks to provide scholarship and research funds for these students as they pursue M.S. and Ph.D. degrees.
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